21 April 2015

Mother’s Day magic: food stylist Lisa Clark sets the scene

Lisa Clark Food Stylist

Lisa Clark is the food stylist behind many of our favourite recipes and gorgeous photographs, including our beautiful Mother’s Day shoot. A trained chef and mother of twin girls, Lisa’s personal entertaining style is über relaxed and laid-back. She fills us in on how to set the scene for a fabulous Mother’s Day feast.


Jug in Cotton

What are the basics of setting the perfect Mother’s Day table?
I recommend keeping your table setting loose and natural as this sets the tone for a relaxed gathering. In fact, I often lay the table once my guests have arrived and ask them to help me – it’s a great icebreaker. My favourite is to use white table linens and loads of white flowers – this is a backdrop that really shows off your fabulous Le Creuset colours, which are so warm and engaging.


Side Plate in Pale Rose

What are the absolute essentials?
Entertaining successfully is about comfort and companionship – sharing great food and company. A well-laid table is not about rigid formality and old-fashioned etiquette – for me what really matters is to have everything you’ll need during the meal on the table at your fingertips so you don’t need to keep popping up for salt and pepper, salad dressing, salad servers…. If you are going to set a table, you have to do it properly by planning ahead.

Mother's Day Feast

Do you have any practical tips or trade secrets for our readers?

  1. Try to get as much as you can prepared and arranged before your guests arrive.
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask your guests to help chop and slice as well as pour drinks – I find it makes people feel comfortable and at home, and it’s a great party starter.
  3. A handful of fresh herbs or baby leaves goes a long way when sprinkled over your dish – it makes it look finished off and professionally garnished.
  4. Food must be seasoned properly – you should always taste your food before serving it to your guests and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  5. Don’t be afraid to cheat – I do it all the time! Bought desserts, actually bought anything is okay – I feel that a get-together is more about the company, laughter and good times than the perfectly constructed, fussily styled meal.
  6. Linen napkins do add an element of style and indulgence – they’re a very simple way to enhance your table setting.
  7. If you are going to do a formal dinner, it’s critical to plan your cooking so all the dishes ideally come hot to the table at the same time.


Set of 2 Large Ramekins in Cotton

What are your favourite Le Creuset colours?
My personal style is to go for neutrals – I wear a lot of grey, white, navy and coral – and in interiors I gravitate towards natural neutrals with splashes of pistachio green. In my kitchen, I find the sophisticated matte texture of neutrals such as Cotton or Black particularly appealing.

Pasta Salad with Crispy Pancetta

Which Le Creuset colours play nicely?
Cotton always looks so pretty with candy-floss pink Chiffon.

Chiffon Pink and Cotton

Do you have an all-time favourite Le Creuset item?
Definitely the buffet casserole because you can do absolutely anything in it – use it on the stovetop, bake cakes in it, do slow roasts… and best of all, you can take it straight from the oven to the tabletop and your food will look gorgeous.

Classic Buffet Casserole in Cotton

How will you be celebrating Mother’s Day?
The day will definitely start with my girls preparing a ‘surprise’ breakfast in bed for me: Bovril toast and tea with too many sugars – if they don’t trip over the dog on their way to deliver it to my bedside. And then our extended family tradition is to get together with all of my sisters to make pancakes and reminisce.

My daughters are so different: Aerin will lavish hours creating something special for me to keep, while Maia will persuade her father to take her shopping to buy me a treat (probably something at the top of her own wish list!).

Lisa Clark Interview

If you could drop any hints for a Mother’s Day gift from Le Creuset, what would be top of your wish list?
I covet one of Le Creuset’s new wooden-handled chef’s knives.

Le Creuset Knife with Wooden Handle

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