14 June 2016

DIY with Le Creuset: Make Your Own Succulent Hot Pot!


Succulents are bang on trend at the moment – so we are excited to show you how to create your own fabulous design in our Le Creuset Herb Planters! The vivid colours of the herb planters against those of the succulents are an incredible combination.


They come in many different colours, shapes and textures and can even look as beautiful as a bouquet of flowers. The best part is, they have a very long lifespan – making fantastic gifts that just keep on giving. Follow the recipe below to cook up your very own Succulent Hot Pot!


The most important thing when potting succulents is to make sure you use a sandy soil that drains well and does not retain moisture. Succulents hate sitting in wet soil as their roots will rot.


  • Le Creuset Herb Planter
  • Small bag of stones
  • Cactus mix potting soil
  • A variety of small to medium succulents
  • Gardening gloves

Step 1

Place a layer of stones at the bottom of the planter – about a quarter of the way up. This ensures good drainage as well as preventing soil escaping out of the hole.


Next, fill to three-quarters full with your potting soil.


Step 2

Start with your biggest plant and gently coax it out of its container, ensuring all the roots are intact. Place it off centre or to the side of the planter to create a starting point for your design.


Step 3

Continue placing the rest of your plants, creating a rhythm of different heights, colours and textures so that it looks intriguing from every angle. Fill in with soil as you go, making sure that all roots are covered and also bringing the soil up to the rim. Be liberal with the soil, as its level will “sink” once watered.


Step 4

Water the planter with about a half a cup of water. In the heat of summer, you can do this twice a week, whereas once a week in winter is ample enough. Be careful not to over water.


Step 5

Place in a warm sunny spot and enjoy your new creation! If your planter is indoors, ensure that there is sufficient natural light for it to thrive.



For this particular design, the plants are packed fairly close together and you should be able to see very little of the soil. You can also opt for a much simpler arrangement with fewer plants. In the latter case, it is a good idea to place a thin layer of small stones on top of the soil between the plants to finish it off.

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